Asterism January 2021 Art Update

Our first devlog of the new year is a quick update on the artwork in Asterism and how development is going! We’re still on track to have the full game in beta in February.

Although Cyrin rarely fights in the game, he still needs a battle cut-in! If time allows we’ll add this to the demo when you’re fighting alongside him.

Several more battles have been implemented as well!

Note: these screenshots are not final and may be tweaked further.

You wanna go, punk?

Most of the work being done now is programming, i.e. setting up the battles and maps, making sure the music and sound effects are where they should be, balancing the fights, and more. So to make up for the lack of visible progress, here’s some extra sketches from the past couple years.

Sketch of an actual CG in the full game

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