September Updates – Playtesting & New Artwork

This month’s update will be somewhat short, mainly because I was taking a quick break from Canvas Menagerie to start a new job and to work on a game jam game called Witch You Want! It’s a cute slice-of-life yuri visual novel about a failgirl witch who needs your help creating potions.

Canvas Menagerie

Playtesting for Canvas Menagerie’s 2nd Act started this month! If you signed up for beta testing, be sure to check your email for the beta build.

I also started working more on Act 3, the final part of Canvas Menagerie. It’s fully written so now I’m putting it together in the engine so it can actually be played.

Act 3 starts off with a studio tour, showing off some of the places they work & film in. The beginning of each Act is meant to have a brief recap or reminder of what the most recent plot development want, as each part serves as a pause.

I was also able to work on some artwork for Canvas Menagerie, including the last character sprite needed (for Act 3) and an extra CG for Act 2. Spoiler, there’s a beach scene!

In October I’ll be working on scripting even more of Act 3 while going through playtester feedback. Hope to show more later!

— Arimia

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